Friday, March 4, 2011

The Pioneer Woman Cooks by Ree Drummond

7 Stars

So, surprisingly, I read this entire cookbook cover to cover. I can't say as that has ever been something I'd expect me to do, but Ree Drummond's outrageous sense of humor (not to mention her gorgeous photography of her rural home) kept me interested even through lists of ingredients. Drummond started out as a blogger and found such a positive response for her recipes listed there that she created this book. It isn't a book I could recommend to everyone as a COOKbook, as she has pretty much only "hearty" fair (read, meat and potatoes or lots of sugar and butter), but there were several recipes I'd like to try, and of the ones I DID try, all were keepers. It would be a GREAT cookbook for beginners, not only because it keeps the process interesting, but because Drummond photographs and explains EVERY step, making it very easy to follow even the more complex recipes. And, come on, any author that begins her acknowledgments page with, "I loved writing this cookbook. It made me happy. And chubby." is worth the read. Check it out! (Oh, and in case you are wondering, her cinnamon rolls are to DIE FOR. As in, even non-diabetics may be sent into a sugar coma by eating just one. But, YUM.)


  1. Um, do you have this book? I want to read it so badly!

  2. Well, sorta; but I got it from the library. I renewed it, but I will let you know when I turn it back in! Or you are welcome to look at it while I still have it... There are a few recipes I want to copy when I have a chance.

  3. And, as you may have noticed in my blog, I recently purchased this book. I've followed Pioneer Woman for a while, and her lasagna and olive cheese bread are perennial favorites. Thanks for your fun review, Manda. I also have read the book as entertainment!
