Friday, August 5, 2011

The Actor and the Housewife by Shannon Hale

7 Stars

"Mormon housewife Becky Jack is seven months pregnant with her fourth child when she meets celebrity heartthrob Felix Callahan. A few hours, one elevator ride, and one alcohol-free dinner later something has happened, though nothing has happened...It isn't sexual. It isn't even quite love. But soon Felix shows up in Salt Lake City to visit and before they know what's hit them, Felix and Becky are best friends... Becky's loving and devoted husband, Mike, is mostly unconcerned. Her children roll their eyes. Her large extended family and neighbors gossip endlessly. But Felix and Becky have something special, something unusual, something that seems...completely impossible to sustain." (Taken from the inside cover.)

I agree with Manda in her review of this book in that I'm not sure if I liked this book after reading it. Despite being engaging enough that I could not put it down, it was too much like many real experiences so it made the reading slightly uncomfortable. However, I must say that there were several hilarious passages.