Saturday, March 12, 2011

Favorite Tales from Grimm by Mercer Mayer

7 Stars

Wow. I feel like I've been giving lots of sevens lately... Maybe I need to vary up my reading lists a little. :?

If you like the Grimm fairy tales, I can safely recommend this collection. It includes many of the better-known ones (like The Sleeping Beauty), but even the ones that were lesser known were good picks: readable, likable, and just a little bit, well, grim. ;D There is no author credited, so I assume they are just basic translations, but the telling is concise without being abrupt and lyrical without being overly flowery. It's also a little more "kid-friendly", shall we say, as the most gruesome parts have been toned down a touch; but it still holds it's medieval/archaic brutality to a certain degree. And, of course, the book is sprinkled with Mayer's lovely watercolor paintings. In their subtle browns and otherworldliness they fit the feel of the tales to a tee.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah gosh Manda, why haven't you read like crappy 3 star books lately...psh ;)
