Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Well-Worn Interior by Robin Forster and Tim Whittaker

First off, I just have to say--HOORAY, that other people have written! :D Thanks, guys. And, on to it...

7 Stars (-2 for Beginners)

This is a non-fiction read, that at first glance may look like a "how-to" for the Shabby Chic. I was very pleased to find that this wasn't what the book is at ALL. It is actually a very lovely look at past (think 1600s-1800s) home decor fashions and what these have deteriorated into. And, more importantly, why we should relish that decay rather than being so swift with the scrapers and paintbrushes. It was really a charming book. And it inspired me to find out more about my own (1940s circa) home and restore some of its roots a little. I gave it a minus 2 for the "beginner", because if you are not interested in home decor, or decrepit old buildings, it would probably be a pretty uninteresting read. And since all of the pictures are of grand old houses in various states of disrepair, their brand of beauty is not for all (though I LOVED many of them).

1 comment:

  1. Amanda, oooohhh! This sounds like a FABULOUS book! I've been looking for a good book to read! Will check out half.com and see if I can find a copy for cheap. ;)
