Friday, August 27, 2010

Flavor of the Week by Tucker Shaw

7 stars

Flavor of the Week is a teen romance with a twist. The main character, Cyril Batholomew, is an amazing cook. But being the fat kid in school and a boy that cooks is the fast track to Loserville, so Cyril decides to keep his amazing chef skills a secret. Cyril's best friend Rose, happens to be the love of his life. The problem is she only thinks of Cyril as the sensitive best friend, nothing more. Cyril is fine with their relationship until one day Cyril's super suave grade school friend Nick moves back in. Nick immediately want to go out with Rose, but discovers that her true passion is food.
Nick begs Cyril to help him win Rose over. So being the good pal that he is, Cyril ends up making all these amazing dishes for Rose. Rose falls more and more in love...but not with Nick....with the food. Will Cyril's cooking open her eyes to his love for her? Read it and find out.

Overall, I enjoyed this book. It was funny and cute (slightly sappy in parts), but the best part of it is the awesome recipes. Talk about delicious (and in most cases...easy!). For example: Kitchen Sink Cookies, Baked Hot Butter-Maple Oatmeal, Whipped Hot Chocolate, Spice-dusted figs, M&M Carmel Brownies (just to name a few.) Each chapter title is a different recipe, which gets incorporated to that particular chapter. Overall a fun, quick read. Good for a mindless fluffy sort of reading mood (like most teen romances). I would recommend it to the female audiences....not so much the men folk.


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