Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The rules?

First of all, thanks Morris clan for setting this up and having the genius idea in the first place! Now to the business. I move that we establish a few site "rules" so that we are all on the same page (har-de-har) with this reading blog. I propose:

1) Books reviewed can be any genre, length, or style.

2) The title for each book review post should include the name of both the book and the author.

3) You must give the book a rating out of 10, where 1 is a book you HATED and 10 is a book you LOVED.

4) Each post should include your rating, your first name, a brief summary of the book, and the reasons you gave it the rating you did. (For a good example of the summary/review, check out Anthony's book post on their family blog...In fact, Anthony, you could upload that here as our first entry, if you'd like to.)

5) Due to the collaborative nature of this site, tag like it's your job! Include things like the book title, author's name, YOUR name, number of points rated, genre, difficulty, types of people the book might appeal to (girl, young adult, mindless idiot, etc.), plus a couple of descriptive words.

6) In the comments section for each post, others can give a rating and leave comments if they have read the book, as well.

7) Whenever possible, post a picture of the book. This will make it easier for people to find if they are interested, and it will also make our site prettier. :D

Okay, thoughts? Too many rules? Not enough?


  1. I'm so excited to get started! Let's do this:)

  2. Oh and I don't know if there is an easier way but I found a way to add stars to the post. In the "Edit HTML" section you can paste in

    &#9733 for shaded starts and
    &#9734 for empty stars.

    Let me know if anyone thinks of something better/easier.

  3. Ok, so the above comment can be ignored. It doesn't work.
