Monday, June 13, 2011

Conflict of Interest by Clair Poulson

6 stars

At first I was skeptical about reading an LDS courtroom thriller. Generally I am not a fan of LDS fiction. Generally I'm not a fan of courtroom fiction either but I have read one or two John Grishams. However, this book was intriguing enough to be an interesting read.

1 comment:

  1. You, my dear, have not read enough LDS fiction. Once you have met Miss Eugenia of Haggerty,Georgia, Sadie Hofmiller of Colorado, and Becky Jack of Utah, you might become a fan! :) And if you want to read a GOOD courtroom thriller, with great back stories, give John Lescroart a try. :) Yes, all good unsolicited worthless advice!! I for one, will take yours and give Conflict of Interest a read! Thanks for the review!
