Monday, November 21, 2011

Austenland by Shannon Hale

7 Stars

"When her great-aunt bequeaths her a trip to a role-playing resort called Austenland, Jane must discover whether playing dress-up in Regency clothes can cure her of her [Mr. Darcy] obsession and help her find real love, once and for all." (Synopsis taken from the Superfast Reader.)

My Review:

This book was HALE-arious!


Ok, I couldn't resist. Sorry. Seriously, this book was a refreshing read and very funny. Perhaps only funny to those of us that get Austin-humor (when reading section to my husband; not so funny) I thoroughly enjoyed all the awkward moments and the regency air and I'd definitely recommend it to anyone that has seen or read Austin. It was clean and I loved the quirkiness of the main character.