Friday, July 1, 2011

Emma by Jane the Austen

6 stars (-2 because the first 300 pages are (almost) pointless)

We read this a few months ago so let me see if I can remember what its about. Rich girl thinks she's the bomb diggity. Rich girl is a brat. Rich girl tries to set up her not-rich friend with some rich dudes and fails miserably making everyone else's life...miserable...did I use that word already? Rich girl decides to be not so bratty but instead tells her not-rich friend off for liking on her man even though she would never admit he was her man. If you want to know the ending, you'll just have to read it. Better yet, watch the movie. This may be one of the few instances where I will say the movie was better.

Yeah, that about sums it up. If you can't tell, Emma is not my favorite person in the literary world. Although she is slightly higher up than Bella (of Twilight fame. As if there were any other Bella to confuse her for).

I think I like Jane Austen. She seems to be witty and writes great dialogue. However, I'm not too sure I want to read another Jane Austen book because Emma was SOOOOOOOO long. The story was alright and, as mentioned, the writing was good but every time Amanda or I started reading it just seemed to drag on...and on...and, you get the drift. In fact, when Amanda looked at our copy to tell me how long it is I was flabbergasted that its only 380-some-odd pages long. It seemed like there was so much more book while we were reading it.

I suppose that's my only complaint. It seems rather petty now that I look back on it but I very clearly remember feeling great disdain towards the first 300 pages of this book. When you're entrenched in 300 pages of blah to get to 80 pages of a good story that is well written, the clock ticks just a little bit slower. And that, my friends, is enough to knock poor Emma from her high horse.

Was I too harsh?

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure why I didn't see this review before. Ivan, you're hilarious. I couldn't even get through the first 3 pages of any Jane Austin book so don't feel too bad. I like the stories though so the movies will just have to cut it for me:)
