Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Anthony and Amanda Show!!!

So... Did everyone else forget to post anything, or are people just so busy they haven't read anything to post about? I feel a little domineering here...

Oh! And anyone smarter than me--how do you invite new people to post!? (What I tried the other night didn't work, after all, Anthony. It just invited them to FOLLOW the blog, which they are already doing. Lame.) Ashley and Ivan have both expressed interest in posting (and I, for one, would love to get bookish input from more sources), but I've no idea at all how to make that happen. That is all.

I should probably have a catchy tag line or some cheesy theme music to bow out here. Unfortunately, my writer (Ivan) is unable to post!!! *grumble, grumble*


  1. Go to Settings, click on Permissions, and then click Add Authors.

  2. I just invited Sam, Ashley, and Loretta, so they can post if they want to, but I couldn't find Ivan's email anywhere. I guess he'll just never get to post.

  3. Ummm...I've been sick....and on the PTA board...and doing a craft all I've been reading has been required because I'm a parent of school children. I know. Excuses, excuses..... I'll try harder to post, I promise!

  4. I feel bad that I haven't posted anything but believe it or not, I actually haven't read any books since the last one I posted on here. I'm working on it though. I'll try!

  5. Thanks, Abby! Ivan's gmail is just his name (first and last, separated by a period). And he'll be very angry if you don't invite him. Don't incur the wrath, my friend. (I know, the image of Ivan being totally steamed is funny to me, too.) Actually, he probably won't care, but I feel like he reads such a different genre than most of the rest of us, that it'd probably be nice to have him on here once in a while.

    Loretta! Welcome! Thanks for the jump-start on info--I apparently have no blog authority, because all it will let me do is take myself off as an author. :( And, now that I know you will be checking this on occasion (and already have been...?) I have to admit I feel a little intimidated. :? Don't judge me for my ridiculous reviews please!

    Amy and Sarah, you are excused. I just was afraid people were reading and not taking the time to post about it!

  6. Amanda, I hope I don't really make you feel like that. :( If my blog was open at the moment, you could see that one of my last book reviews on it included the insightful observation: "[this book] was just meh." Can't get much more ridiculous than that. ;)

  7. Bwah ha ha! Okay, well I sort of am serious because I have this vision of you as one of those really well-read sorts that may think less of me because of my childish picks and less-than-brilliant observations. That makes me feel a little better, though. :D

  8. Hey! What the what?! Come on, Abby, you've got to come up with a better excuse than that to hurt my feelings. As stated by Amanda, almost a month ago now, my email is Just because none of you want to read what I'm reading doesn't mean I shouldn't get the chance to spew it out on your blog. Well, maybe it should. But it doesn't. And, really, no hard feelings...yet. =)
